H&K Hotel Insulation Services

Fiberglass Insulation in Hotel buildings
We’ll look at a number of reinforcements and resins from which to choose. First, lets take a look at actual Fiber and Resin product examples, for you to better familarize yourself with the composite industry. Afterwards, we’ll take a look at some of the basic terminology you’ll hear when working with composites.
Project Details
Client Holiday Inn Hotel
Date 06/07/2017
Goal Full Service
View holidayinn.com

Ceiling And Attic
Reinforcement using tow (pure unidirectional fiber form), veil mats, and woven fabrics. Fiberglass is also offered in a pressed chopped strand mat option.
Continuous Strand Veil Surfacing Mat
At H&K Insulation we makea selection between several materials to help them achieve an R-13 level of insulation